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Mini Implants in St. Louis, MO

If you are looking for a sturdy, aesthetically pleasing, and cost-effective implant solution for your teeth, mini implants may be the perfect answer. Using a miniature implant that is placed in your gum tissue, mini implants work in essentially the same way as regular tooth and root do. More sturdy and stable than regular dentures, and less expensive and invasive than conventional implants, mini implants are a great solution for people of all ages looking for stable, realistic, and affordable tooth implants. At West County Dental, we proudly perform mini implant procedure for patients in St. Louis, MO and beyond. Give our office a call today at (314) 821-2712 to schedule a consultation and learn more about our mini implants procedure.

What Are Mini Implants?

Mini implants function like a regular tooth and root. A miniature titanium alloy implant acts like the root of your tooth, and features a retaining fixture that is incorporated into the base of your denture. The head of the implant is spherically shaped, and the retaining fixture acts like a socket with a rubber O-ring. The O-ring snaps over the sphere when the denture is seated and holds the denture firmly in place. When seated, the new denture gently rests on the gum tissue. The implant fixtures allow for a wide range of micro-mobility while withstanding natural lifting forces. Due to mini implants’ exceptional micro-mobility, they typically cause significantly less discomfort than conventional implants.

The Procedure

The placement procedure for mini implants is completed quickly and easily by our dental professionals. First, the patient is given a local anesthesia. For those whom prefer to be relaxed during the procedure, or for those that do not want to be unconscious, we also offer an option for conscious sedation. Then using a controlled, precise, and minimally invasive surgical technique, our dental professionals place mini implants into the patient’s jawbone. This provides a strong, solid foundation for securing the new teeth. Because of the minimally invasive nature of the mini implants procedure, recovery time is usually very short, which means that the dentures can be stabilized the same day the mini implants are placed. This means a new smile for you faster than ever.

The West County Dental Difference

When you visit our team at West County Dental, you are treated with the utmost professionalism and comprehensive care. Dr. Pete Spalitto D.D.S, PC has decades of experience performing high-quality dental work on patients of all ages, and is backed by a team of friendly and knowledgeable dental assistants. Plus, at West County Dental, we use only the best dental equipment and procedures available today, so our patients receive the highest-quality dental work possible on every procedure. Schedule an appointment with us, and see the difference in your smile today!

To learn more about our procedures and to have your questions about mini implants answered, call (314) 821-2712 to schedule an appointment at our St. Louis, MO office today!

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